Here you´ll find everything about my music and my videos so far. Enjoy ;).
Pac And The Unseeable (2023 – today)
In Strife (2018 – 2022)
CUDAR (2014 – 2016)
Grey Room (2005 – today)
Same As For (2001 – 2004)
Rising Sun (1998 – with interrupts until 2005)
Juxtapose (1999 – ca. 2001)
Desperation With Laura (1997 – 2000)
I did some radio shows from time to time. What´ is left of it, can be found here.
misc music
All other stuff in connection with music.
Gartenschlauch Gaming – my arcade gaming channel on Youtube
hyperpac1337 – my other Youtube channel for “stuff”
Merci für SIW 😉
Immer gerne 🙂