Administration day

Today is my personal administration day…many things have to be updated. I´m curious on how it´s gonna be. My first time fix is about 6 hours…I´ll keep you updated.

# updating 1st WordPress blog to version 3.0.1 => done
# updating 2nd WordPress blog to version 3.0.1 => done
# updating 3rd WordPress blog to version 3.0.1 => done

Elasped time, including backup work 1h. Great. The auto update function in WordPress is really great, as long as you haven´t customized your blog too far.

Now…backing up a dokuwiki.

# updating DokuWiki to version 2009-12-25 => done

Elapsed time, including backup work 2,5h.  Better than I expected and no bug fixing after the update. Great. The only problem is that I wanted to correct just one simple font-size setting within the css. That cost me nearly 1h and it still doesn´t work.

Anyway…so far, my personal administration day went really well.


Today I did a Typo3 update from 4.1.3 to 4.4.1 and well this wasn´t so easy. The main issue was that an old extension prevented the backend to work. Ohh and I nearly forgot…I needed one hour to get the install console to work.  The article above provides 2 solutions.

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