Citrix Receiver SSL Error 61 – DigiCert Global Root G2 not trusted

When you´re trying to connect to a remote machine / desktop / application you might get SSL error 61 from the Citrix Receiver saying that the DigiCert Global Root G2 certificate is not trusted.

The solution for this on a typical Windows 10 Machine is:

  1. Go to the DigiCert website and download the DigiCert Global Root G2 certificate (right click “Save as”).
  2. Open the start menu of Windows 10, type “cert” and choose “Manage computer certificates”
  3. Select “Intermediate Certification Authorities” and then “Certificates”
  4. Right click in the window on the right and select “All tasks” -> “Import”
  5. Select “Next”, then choose the certificate you have downloaded in step 1
  6. Choose “Select certificate store atutomatically” and then finish the import process
  7. You´re done :-).