Android on Samsung i8320 / H1 – H1droid / CyanogenMod

Update 2: This version is outdated ! Head over to for newer and improved versions.


I had to change the link for the H1droid rom (step no. 3) – you can now find it here:

Download (tar, 101 MB)

Recently I bought a Samsung i8320 / Vodafone H1 for cheap money on eBay. It´s quite good Smartphone with 16 GB internal memory. And there´s a CyanogenMod rom with Android Gingerbread 2.3.7 available. So here´s a short tutorial how to flash the phone. I did it on Windows XP, but it should also work on Windows 7.

All credits go to the great people at, especially Clint and rogerbraun. Great work guys, keep it going !

Warning: There are several methods how to flash the Samsung i8320. With this method you´ll lose all the data on your phone. And in case you won´t like H1droid, there´s not an easy way back to the Samsung OS. If you wanna know more about the different methods go check out

0.) In case your phone has a micro sd-card installed be sure to remove it before you continue with this tutorial.

1.) Download Samsung Kies from this location and install it. Do not connect your phone to your PC.

2.) Download Odin from here and extract it to a folder on your hard drive. We´ll need it later.

3.) Download the H1droid rom from here (with Google Apps) or if you wanna be sure to have the latest version go there (roms available with and without Google Apps) and save the *.tar in a folder on your hard drive.

4.) Start Samsung Kies and connect your phone via USB to the PC. Select “mass storage” (mode) if the phone asks. Wait until all drivers are successfully installed.

5.) Remove the phone from the USB cable, turn it off and close the Kies application.

6.) Restart the phone by pressing the following buttons at the same time: camera button + volume(-) button + power button. The phone should start and show you a black screen with “Downloading” and a blank status bar. If it does not, try again.

7.) Reconnect the phone via USB. If Samsung Kies will start automatically please close it.

8.) Start Odin and click the PDA button. Choose the H1droid rom from your hard drive (the i8320_no_sd_gapps.tar file).

9.) Hit start and pray. Odin will now try to flash your phone. If everything works well you´ll see the progress in the left upper corner. The former blank status bar should slowly start to grow and your phone will restart. While restarting you should see the CyanogenMod boot screen.

10.) Even if promted by your phone to choose a setup option for Android wait until Odin finished the process.

11.) You´re done. Enjoy H1droid !




Samsung RMA


Well – it happened as I expected it. One month ago I sent my Samsung S1 Mini – a great little 2.5 inch usb harddisk – in for repair. And I thought how long might it take until I’ll get it back.

Right now, over one month later I still can’t say, because I haven’t got it back. To be continued…

P.S.: Why it needed repair ? From one day to another it transferred data very very slow. After a little research on the net this seems to be a common problem within the S1 series.

Update :
Last week I got a call from Samsungs RMA center. They told me that the S1 Mini is out of stock and they offered me a 250 GB replacement HDD (mine had 160 GB). And yesterday it arrived. I’m happy now, because I have my small portable HDD back and it’s larger then before, but 6 weeks altogether are simply too long. Way too long…

OpenTTD on a Samsung Galaxy Tab with a Bluetooth Mouse

You may know that I love Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe (OpenTTD). It´s on my favourite games list and I also wrote a short article about it when version 1.0 was released. Recently I discovered that a guy name pelya did an Android port of the game using the SDL libary. And since I´m a more or less proud owner of a Samsung Galaxy Tab for a while I decided to give it a try. Right after starting the game one very big problem occured. The controls (and the user interface) hadn´t been redesigned to be used with a touch device (with probably a much smaller screen than a pc has) so the game was pretty unplayable. I was a bit sad about that so I headed over to good old friend Google.

I found a nice solution for the problem by getting my hands on a Logitech Bluetooth Traveler Mouse and connected it to my Galaxy Tab. Android is so flexible that this worked by only 3 finger touches (haaa…on a touch device you can´t say clicks, can you ?) and here´s the video result for you. There´s still some work to do to make the game really well playable. For example right now you can´t access more than a 1-layer menu because Android can´t differ between a mouse click and a mouse click and hold. Pelya – the guy who did the Android port – optimized the SDL configuration already after I gave him a lead but right now SDL doesn´t seem to be capable of doing that kind of mouse emulation. But I think the OpenTTD community will soon have a version ready that will be optimized for mobile devices in any way.

In the meantime you can enjoy the video !